Wash Up, Up, Up! song

Make handwashing a fun and familiar experience for children! Here is an original song based on handwashing procedures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Lyrics and music © 2020 Malcolm Pittman
Benjamin Futterman: vocals, guitar, audio editing
Ela Ben-Ur: vocals, fiddle
Malcolm Pittman: vocals, banjo @IncorrigibleStringBand
Courtesy of Star Bright Books


Wash up, up, up!

Wash up, up, up!

This is how you wash your hands:

You Wet



Rinse, and


You wet your hands, you can use cold water

You lather your hands with a squirt of soap

Then you scrub your hands lots of different ways

You scrub the palms, one, two, three

You scrub the backs, one, two, three

You scrub the sides, one, two, three

You scrub the fingers, one, two, three

You scrub the tips, one, two, three

Then you rinse the soap off and dry your hands

And you’ve washed up, up, up!

One more time:

Wash up, up, up!

Wash up, up, up!

This is how you wash your hands:

You Wet



Rinse, and


Download Lyrics (pdf)

Illustration © 2018 by Ying-Hwa Hu

This song is inspired by the book Clean Up, Up, Up!

Clean Up, Up, Up! is written by Ellen Mayer, illustrated by Ying-Hwa Hu, and published by Star Bright Books © 2018. For more information on this early math story that supports spatial-relations learning, click here.

This book is based on work supported in part by TERC under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation.